Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Shotgun anyone?

Let's just look a minute and admire. Parallel parking with no power steering (?!) on a manual drive with a tricky clutch and a right side British steering wheel right up to the c(k)erb in downtown Amsterdam on the first try. Not bad for a girl who grew up in Zeeland, Michigan.

Let me just also say that it is very, very strange to go from right hand drive to left hand drive to right hand drive with a left hand drive car. Oh dear. This could get interesting. (Yes, I'll be careful, Mom.)


E(Liz)a(Beth) said...

I'd never considered right hand drive with a left hand car. Good luck with that. :)

megfeen said...

It is shocking how easy it was to go back to right hand driving, just felt natural. I suppose I didn't drive that much in the UK. I found it more annoying than frustrating/confusing that the wheel was still on the "wrong" side, like I was almost back home but stuck at the airport or something.

Unknown said...

I think the steering wheel would be easier to adjust to than shifting with the left hand!

Unknown said...

I'm impressed by anyone who can park in Amsterdam and not end up in a canal.

Lindsay said...

Way to go, Megan! I would ride with you any day:).