Wednesday, April 01, 2009


When you spend your life in close proximity with someone it is disappointing to go through major things without them. I miss her in those comical moments of reverse culture shock, when I find myself saying please for everything, when I climb into bed and under the comforter and then realise I haven't gotten into the covers (or under the top sheet, depending on your country of preference). Sometimes, I miss her in those bizarrely surreal moments of state finals in girls basketball and small town choir recitals (located in a gym with authentic worn out American flag and scoreboard in the corner!) where the scene feels too American to be true. I want someone who has been through it with me, to remind me it all really happened.

Also, I need someone to help me figure out when my mobile becomes my cell again. When do realise, authorise, and progamme change back into the pumpkins of realize, authorize, and program? When do I need to stop saying 'Cheers' as a substitute for thanks?

Some things (read: most) are just so much better with someone else around.

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