Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Plan

OK here's the plan:
1. Josh leaves.
2. Megan stays.
3. Megan's friend visits, staving off loneliness for a few more days.
4. Josh interviews, skis, weeds asparagus.
5. Megan works, buys tent.
6. Megan heads to the Netherlands (ferry) and then to Spain (car). Road trip, anyone?
7. Josh flies back to Europe and joins Megan.
8. Josh and Megan drive around Europe for a while.
9. Josh and Megan fly back to the USA, loaded down with as much luggage as they can carry, never to return. (Or at least for a little while. Sigh.)
10. Josh and Megan attempt normal-ish lives somewhere in America. Where? TBD.

Number one is complete. This morning Josh safely and a bit regretfully left what has been our home for the last year and a half. Alas. I am alone.


E(Liz)a(Beth) said...

What a bittersweet moment! I wish we could have found time to come visit you guys. How long will you be driving around for?

waldo said...

Meg, Know that my heart is aching as I read your blog tonight. Dad and I seperated 3 differetn times throughout our marriage,so far. It was difficult at first and I even had the two boys with me. I pray that the time goes quickly. I believe that you stated that Lindsay will be visiting which I am sure will help. We can hardly wait for both of you to be back with us. We love you. LFAA,Mom

megfeen said...

And before Josh makes a comment: I'm still in Britain, so I can call it America. :)

Anonymous said...

The idea sounded OK originally, but the reality of it is not so nice. I can appreciate your sadness. Separating for any reason is not a fun thing to do. Been there, done that. The best part is the reunion at the end. :)
Love you lots!

megfeen said...

Hm. I didn’t mean to imply that I am sitting here pining away; I was just conveying The Plan as it stands. I’ve got lots to keep me busy and a lot of people live alone all the time and seem to survive! It was tougher saying goodbye than being far apart, I think.

Although. Ask me in a month...

Anonymous said...

How fun, I am part of the plan! Can't wait to see you:).


E(Liz)a(Beth) said...

I realized today that there are a lot of great architecture firms in Boston, as well as a disgusting number of colleges and universities, perfect for a young couple looking for a diverse place to live. :)

megfeen said...

You are so subtle elizabeth... :)

joshwall said...

Almost as subtle as our families choice of where they'd like us to live :)