Thursday, April 17, 2008

Butties and Brollies: the results

The moment you've all been waiting for... Quiz answers! Thanks for all who gave their guesses. They were wonderful, very creative and amusing. We put so many of our own words on this website, it's nice to get some of yours! Our favorites? lolly=wandering, trackie=one who tracks (well....), or rellies= related to wellies but smaller.

Anyway, here are the real answers:

1. Telly: Television, as in you should have been able to get this one right
2. Uni: University, as in 'Josh is a uni student'
3. Resi: Residential, as in used all the time at my architecture firm, even written on drawings! Also heard as Reservation on an advert tonight.
4. Prezzie: Presents, like at Christmas time
5. Choci: Chocolate. Yes, I heard this at work. And yes, it made me laugh.
6. Rellies: Relatives. This was written in a newspaper article about what prezzies to buy your rellies!
7. Brolly: Umbrella
8. Butty: Buttered sandwich. Colloquial, I think. Bacon butty signs are all over the place.
9. Postie: Postman. Can't remember where I saw this written.
10. Sarky: Sarcastic, as in someone at work who said, 'well that's a sarky comment'
11. Adverts: Advertisements or commercials
12. Lolly: Lollipop, a sweet on a stick
13. Footie: Football (soccer), such as "Want to play footie?" or "Did you watch the footie last night?"
14. Toastie: Toasted sandwich, a "grilled cheese" is a "cheese toastie"
15. Trackie: Track suit, used to be called shell suits around here, a popular thing to wear and a popular thing to make fun of for wearing

Pram: you were right if you said it's a buggy or stroller, but the actual word it's short for is perambulator... and that's worth the point! Although Praminator is a fantastic word, Beth/Matt, and I just might be calling them that from now on.

Alright, the results:
Mom/Dad F- 5+ Bonus + funny points
Matt/Beth - 6 + creativity points
Elizabeth- 9 (you made it in time! good work! Mummy, I don't want to eat my peas!)
Jennie- 10 (although uniform sounds right. Emma?)
Eric- 11 (maybe +.5 for running jacket)

Good work, Eric! Since we haven't seen you in, what, four years, I say we need to do a personal prize delivery. Perhaps sweet tea in Charleston? I don't know if cold tea is an appropriate prize for a quiz on English slang, though!


E(Liz)a(Beth) said...

Mummy, I don't want to go to Uni. I want to eat butty and choci while I watch the Telly!!

megfeen said...

You've only got a few more months to get Brad on board with your idea, elizabeth. It takes two people speaking a 'foreign' language to really teach a child, I think, although there's always boarding school. Better sign up for the waitlist now.

Stacey said...

Congrats to Eric! I was just about to submit our answers tonight (we're a little pokey here in Philadelphia since we spend all day trying to determine what our primary vote will be...j/k) Fun quiz. Keep the fun blog-material coming -- I love it! And I'll try to be a better participant next time around...Cheerio!

A blog about... said...

I just want to say it's an honor to finally be recognized for my incredible skills. I'm also pretty good with a bo-staff.