Sunday, February 10, 2008

How many of those do you have!?

Alright everyone, time for another guessing game. We live, in case you forgot, in an old double-fronted English house, full of books, photos, trinkets, and other accouterments of well-lived lives. So then, with that in mind, the next game is going to be "How many of those do you have!?"

There are two parts:

1) How many hanging objects are there from the front door, up two flights of stairs, and directly to our flat? This number should not include any hung objects inside of rooms but solely in the hallway/shared spave. The picture to the left should give a frame of reference.

2) How many bookshelves exist in this glorious olde house? (Let's define a bookshelf as something that is 3 feet wide by 8 feet tall and one book deep).

We await your guesses.

To give you an idea of the excesses that exist in this house, here are two photos of the Christmas cards received by our landlord this year. (We've been waiting for some time to post them but needed an excuse.) We've heard that Christmas cards are a much, much bigger deal here, thus the high numbers. And the professor's son told us they think their dad plays favourites- the best cards make the top row, while the most banal get the floor. We made the middle tier... I'll take that.


busy mom of 4 said...

Wow!! That looks like our house before we moved into it! I think we pulled about 30+ nails out of our hallway after we moved in!! Anyway, I am guessing there are about 47 hanging things!

busy mom of 4 said...

Oops! Forgot about the book cases...there has to be at least 25 of them!

Anonymous said...

That is one of those things that is so delightful about old English (and other continental homes) - the lovely excess of treasured items. Somehow we in the USA have not figured out how to decorate that way.
So I will venture a guess that there are 56 hanging items (yikes, that is a lot) and 40 bookcases. After all the owner is a lifelong academic and his wife is a pastor. So maybe I am underestimating. But I can see Josh longing to fill that many bookcases by the time he retires. :)

Anonymous said...

retires from what?

Jessie said...

My guess is 30 bookcases and 35 hanging items.

waldo said...

Okay, here are my guesses. There are 68 hangings from the hallway. There are 53 bookcases in the house. LFAA, Mom

Anonymous said...

I think you are all overestimating number of book cases. As an academic I long for more bookcase space, but even 30 seems like a lot. I'm going to go for 17. Hanging things however... lots of room for such things. 84.

Any prizes for the winner?

Anonymous said...

Being an academic, I'd say there are 12 bookcases and 100 things on the wall.