Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Moving on... again.

Last year this time, Josh and I were wondering where we'd be this year. I think the year before we were wondering the same thing- would we really be brave (and foolish) enough to live the Colorado Ski Bum Then Asian Backpacker lifestyle? We were, and we did, and last year in Colorado we were wondering what schools Josh would gain entry to and which one we'd choose.

Well, now Josh is contemplating residence life jobs at various liberal arts Christian colleges around the United States, and we are again left wondering... what is to come? On 11 February 2009, what city will we live in? What country? Will we have a dishwasher or a second bedroom? Will we own a car for the first time in our married lives? Will we (gasp) increase the size of our family? (I'm talking about a dog, Mom.)

I've gotten so used to this transient lifestyle, having lived it since college really, that I have trouble imagining myself in the same place for more than, say, five years. How predictable! How ordinary! How... nice?


waldo said...

I think that you two have done some wonderful things in your young lives. I am looking forward to having you somewhere in the U.S. next year. I did laugh out loud when you metioned a larger family. I should have known that it would be a dog, but I can only wish for something better. Love forever and always, Mom

Anonymous said...

Much as I love visiting you in distant places, it would be nice to have you back in the USA for awhile. I would like to suggest the midwest US as a possibility. :) Not that it has the best weather or the best scenery but I am sure it contains the best families! No names of course. Now about that dog....
Mom F

megfeen said...

Now what could be better than a dog??

A blog about... said...

I think you should not own a car. They are horrible.
p.s. i also think you should live in the mountains. what better place for a dog?