Thursday, February 07, 2008

Political Correctness

I just found something out and simply must share. Apparently in the UK the term brain storm is no longer kosher, seeing as how it is associated with epileptic seizures (who'd have thunk it?) and so the preferred term is, I was told, thought showers. Really?!?! Wow....


the blackwells said...


joshwall said...

Yup. Crazy huh?

the blackwells said...

When I was reading it I felt like it was one of those moments when I get totally sucked into believing something and it's totally a joke. I think it should be a joke.
I'll have to ask Elam if they ever talk about that in school.

joshwall said...

And it could be a joke that I didn't catch but the way I was told it makes me think not. It was told in one of those manners wherein an insider informs the outsider (me) of the proper term so I don't offend anyone. Its the same way things like 'pants' were explained to me... So it could be a joke but I'm doubtful.

megfeen said...

I asked at work, and one man didn't know what I was talking about. Another two, though, had heard of it and that you weren't supposed to use "brainstorm" anymore- so apparently there's something to it!

I asked them, though, with that same tone... sort of this- maybe I shouldn't ask because someone was toying with my head?!?