Tuesday, February 05, 2008

We're missing the party.

I only lived in New York City for about five years. But other than a few brief periods when I did otherwise to antagonize various colleagues/bosses/classmates, I secretly rooted for all local professional sports teams. It's not that I was overly excited about the games, players, or sports themselves (I find baseball a bit tedious after the 6th or so inning and I think I prefer college American football to the pros), but I was desperately hoping to take part in a Manhattan ticker tape parade.

Thus, I was devastated when the Yankees lost in the 2003 World Series, disappointed as a 3-0 lead to the Red Socks in the AL championship series ended with 4 losses in 2004, and a bit forlorn as their 2005 and 2006 prospects rapidly went from not bad to not a chance... Other NYC sports teams didn't get close.

And, inevitably, without my attendance or participation... it happens. And with a half ton of confetti, even.

I bet it's not as much fun as it looks. Sigh.

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