Monday, April 30, 2007

Name that "food"

Time to play everyone's favorite game "Name that food!", the game where you attempt to identify food that we have encountered on the streets of Hong Kong for fabulous prizes! (Prizes to be determined based upon who you are and when we will actually see you next.) Post your answer for each numbered photo below in the comments section (see sample). Final answers to come in a few days. Let's see your best guesses!

P.S. Queenie Tong is automatically disqualified unless she can prove that she has never consumed any of the below mentioned "foods."

Read the rest...











joshwall said...

1)Moldy Whale Male "member"
2)Gremlin Claws
3)Spare Car Parts
4)Candied Toupees
5)Dried Baby Seal
6)Edible Kite
7)Giant's Toenails
9)T-Rex tooth

Oh and one final hint, many of these things are dried (thus the odd colors).

Morgan said...

Alright I'll give this a shot.

1) Dried pickles
2) Chicken Feet
3) Snake Skin
4) I can't really see it well in that picture so I'll just say pickled papaya (that's fun to say)
5) Seahorses
6) Some sort of lizard kabob, I'll just say turtle
7) Dried Mango (I'm just hoping it's that because that is delicious)
8) No idea. Umm, lizard intestines?
9) Shark fin

That's the best I got. So did you try all of these?

Jason and Melissa said...

1. fish lips
2. cx/geese feet
3. snake skin
4. pickled eggs
5. seahorse
6. dried/shelled turtle yum!
7. dried starfish
8. shells
9. cow fat

busy mom of 4 said...

Oh my...those are yucky! Here is goes!

1. dried fish something
2. turkey feet
3. dried eels
4. sparrow nests
5. sea horses
6. dead turtles
7. pigs ears
8. sea weed????
9. huge shark fin...but I've never seen one so maybe they are all that big!

janine said...

i should have enlisted anthony and queenie's help for this one ...

1. dried banana leaves
2. chicken feet
3. dried snake skin
4. pickled eggs
5. seahorse
6. dried lizards
7. dried mango
8. rice chips
9. shark fin (i assume to make some shark fin soup)

Unknown said...

I don't think I ever have #1, 3, 5 and 6... does it make me qualify to enter to contest? haha

Anonymous said...

Could I win a cup of Darjeeling in Darjeeling?
1) I'm sumped on this one. Random guess: sea cucumber
2) turkey feet (OK, maybe chicken but turkey sounds more fun)
3) dried snake
4) dried sea urchins
5) dried sea horses
6) dried lizard
7) no idea, they look kind of like albino bats
8) I think this one is a trick. They are actually potato chips!
9) dolphin fin

Anonymous said...

People eat this stuff? Why?
1. fruit
2. chicken feet
3. octopus
4. cookies
5. seahorse
6. skate
7. fish - who can tell??
8. rice flour chips
9. tuna