Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Sunset

The offical sunset time was at 4:06 today. We are still over a month away from the winter solstice, I can't even imagine what that will be like... Funny I only think of things like this occuring in remote places, like Alaska and Northern Canada...

PS Also note the UV index. Why do they even bother mentioning it around here?


Anonymous said...

I find it funny that you find this funny! I suppose we are just used to it... it is a bit miserable though, isn't it!

Also bear in mind that you are at a similar latitute to Alsaka and Northern Canada...

joshwall said...

We realized that we are on that latitude last night as well, which was an odd idea for us. Part of it is that Michigan is on the very western edge of the eastern time zone, so even in the middle of winter the sun didn't set till after 5:00 it just didn't rise early at all. I think it's all contrast... though i do look forward to noting the shortest day we'll have here before going home for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

You'd better note it in Durham rather than London - we don't have proper "dark" here, just a murky orange glow!

Anonymous said...

Just noticeed the "England" stats on the left of the page - and we are keen to learn which 3 foods you will not be trying again!

joshwall said...

I only remember two off hand (the list was at home) and they are partially due to our own cheapness... but two of them were "Processed Peas" and "Pork Balls in a Tomato Sauce" (or something like it). Now we thought, peas are peas, why pay more for peas... well we now pay more for peas. They were twice the size of normal (some could say real) peas and tasted... ugh. I'm still blocking that out. And the "Pork ball" I knew would be an adventure but I like spagetios and meatballs back home (and most meat in a sauce combinations) so I thought... it only costs 50p, why not. Well, that's why not, never trying those again.

megfeen said...

1. We didn't know there were so many different options for canned peas until looking at the grocery store here. I thought canned peas were just canned peas. Not gonna try the one labeled "mushy peas" now after that episode, although I am very curious what's inside that can...

2. Weren't they labeled meatballs? Who cares- I didn't even see them, just smelled them when I got home.

3. It was salad cream. We even got the only bottle labeled "Ranch" since josh is a relatively new salad eater and likes the real, fatty american style dressing. yuck. tastes like bad mayonaise. Perhaps we need to seek out a vinagrette...

Anonymous said...

That's so funny! Well,
1) The peas... well yes, sounds like you had horrid marrowfat peas which I don't think I've ever eaten myself, but Gerard had them as a child and the experience scarred him so much he hasn't eaten peas since! You should try mushy peas from a Fish & Chip shop though, they are a British tradition.
2) I tend to avoid any kind of meat product in a tin, especially something costing 50p :-)
3) Salad cream, yes, it is kind of strange but again is a British thing. For the record, I can't say I think much of range dressing!

I've been thinking of some more budget British foods for you to try (although I'm not vouching for their tastiness): Pot Noodle, luncheon meat, corned beef in a tin, super noodles, baked beans, spagetti hoops, oh I could go on and on. We'll have to serve you a gourmet feast of them all when you visit!