Monday, November 05, 2007

If you're new to our site or been around but wouldn't mind checking out some highlights or refreshing your memory about SE Asian signs, Cambodian driving habits or snotty-nosed ski school kids, check out the new link over on the sidebar below our names.


Nick said...

Glad to see you guys are doing well. How was Guy Fawkes Day in England?

joshwall said...

Guy Fawkes day was fun, though I was hoping to see an inflamed effigy but you had to pay to see the thing... and well I don't need to see it that bad. What is funny is that day of burnination (wow it's been a while since I've said that) is simply referred to as "bonfire day." How quaint for a day remembering the incineration of a person...

Also their fireworks seem to happen throughout the weekend. Unlike say the 4th where we blow everything up at once, this is more like a weekend of occasional explosions.