Tuesday, February 06, 2007

At Long Last

Ta-Da! As we enter Week 4 of The Adventure, we are finally getting to this blog! First, we didn't have the Internet at our place of residence and then we were just too lazy to start typing (that and the fact that the computer lives on the floor of a cold, empty room-photo forth-coming-didn't help). We decided to keep a blog over the next few months for a couple of reasons:

  1. We want to be able to update friends and family as to where exactly we are without having to send out mass emails due to Internet cafe time pressures.
  2. We would like to record our activities and our thoughts on those experiences.
  3. We had many, many requests since we have so many, many friends...

Now, as for the adventure itself... In brief, Josh and I quit our stable and decent-paying jobs in New York, NY at the end of 2006 to finally do what we had been talking and dreaming about since we got married. Our original excuse for "taking time off" was to get reacquainted with each other after living as two poor grad students in one of the most stressful cities in the world, but it's since grown into a whole lot of other reasons. From January to April, we are working as kids ski instructors in Colorado, using our days off to explore other ski resorts and to recover from days filled with I-want-my-mommy-syndrome and I-can't-get-up-disease. In April, we will be heading to Michigan and Texas for two weddings before flying off to SE Asia and India for about 5 months. Crazy? Yes. Terrifying? You bet. Exciting? Absolutely!


Jessie said...

Awesome! I just found this! Time to catch up.

A blog about... said...

I have an important question - have you seen any yurts yet? If you're really into meeting interesting people, talk to a person who lives in a yurt.

joshwall said...

Alas my friend there are no yurts. While this is a rather remote place (we have found one movie theatre thus far... behind a gas station) its not quite that remote