Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Every rose has its thorns

This is a little late, but here are some photos from Valentine's Day. (I know, another fluff-filled post; I promise Josh will be publishing some lengthy, thought-provoking post soon).
We decided to take advantage of our employee discounts and use them to soften the blow of a fancy Valentine's meal of elk medallions and sea bass at the lodge on the top of the mountain. On certain holidays, the lifties switch out some of the chairs on the Zephyr lift with small gondolas, and silly people like us choose to ride up the mountain at night (perhaps the gondolas block the wind, but it was still freezing). Apparently, sometimes the nights are clear and beautiful. Well, we got a windy, snow-filled evening for our trip! It was still a great night.
Hostess: Let me take a photo of you in front of the fireplace!

Megan: Let's take a photo of us in the gondola with this free rose I got!Josh: Let's take a photo with the rose in our mouths!

Megan: Let me try that again now that I know it still has thorns...

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