Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Culture of Ski Resorts

So when we came here we knew that there was a high male/female ratio and we were told about this by several different people(perhaps warned would be a more accurate desciptor). Today on a chair lift with some other instructors I mentioned something about Meg, using the phrase "my wife." To which one instructor replied, "Finally a man smart enough to bring his own sandwich to a picnic," and then commenced laughing like Kermit the Frog. His cohort then added, "And don't forgot the old axiom here at Winter Park 'You don't lose your girl, you just lose your turn.'"

Ahhh nothing like knowing that my wife will be hit on at any given moment.


E(Liz)a(Beth) said...

It'll only get better in SE Asia. You may even be able to make some money! :)

Jessie said...

Are you kidding? Megan? Puffy coat? Pointy things attached to her feet?

Hot stuff.

Unknown said...

Are you kidding me? We've all know that even tho Meg's off the market, she still get it! hahahaa....GO Meg! :D

Anonymous said...

And you should see me when I put my hair in two braids like a 3-year-old and then wear a hat/helmet all day. It is just so sexy...