Saturday, February 24, 2007

Snot and Tears

I've been trying to get these for a while but I finally had some solid cryers (yeah 3-4 year olds) and some opportunities to take pictures of them without being stared at...

See the rest...

(For what its worth, I tried to darken the image to offset the flash... but you can still see that massive snot trail out of his right nostril)

(Not so much crying as alternating between whimpering and screaming... but the snot was great!)

(This boy was so troubled by him Mom leaving him that he never really made it outside)
(A little girl that was a gem the rest of the day)
(Her entire reason for crying was I wanted her to eat something, anything really. The present tears were produced by the idea she eat those two pieces of ceral... that she brought!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that first one look like a self-taken photo? We take photos of ourselves at momentous occasions or interesting locations. Can't you imagine a three-year-old taking a photo of himself crying his eyes out? Kinda makes me laugh.