Monday, February 19, 2007

Figgy the Dog

Figgy is our other roomate. Her name has been changed to protect the innocent, preventing any Internet-browsing dog-snatchers from luring such a precious miniature long-haired daschund away...
Read the rest (and see photos)...
However, Figgy The Dog doesn't actually know that she is a dog. She likes to sit on the back of the couch pillows, run to the kitchen when food is being prepared, and curl up in laps (does this sound suspiciously like another common household pet to anyone?). We keep waiting for her to use a litter box.

Back of couch:

Megan's lap:


Ant said...

...a housetrained cat...?

does it bring offerings in the morning of its nightly hunt?

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? I don't think that "dog" could catch an ant.

Oh, and we named her Figgy because our roomate wasn't around when we first met the dog. We walked in the door, she accidently got out, and we thought we'd lost our roomate's dog on our second day here. We were running after her calling, Figgy! Figgy! Somehow, the name seemed appropriate.

Unknown said...

Awwwww....Figgy's soooo cute! I can't wait to see you guys!!! :D enough !!!! for you?