Monday, December 15, 2008

Nightshift NYC

Our friends are on the radio! (you should listen to them here)

I can't say the delight I had upon hearing their voices over the glorious inter-web. These are good friends whose company we deeply enjoy when we can get together (which was never that often even while we lived in New York), and they are on radio promoting a recent book project about nightshift workers in New York. Having just finished it, and enjoying it deeply, let me say you should all buy it... well ok, all of those of you who are interested in good stories about interesting people. And I hope that is all of you.

Anyway, I love the internet... and friends who do interesting things. Yeah! Nothing new to say aside from that, I'm rather proud of them and really like their recent project (and they were on the Leonard Lopate show, cool!).

p.s. buy their book!

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