Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A bit of nostalgia... English style

I remember dumping out the old tin of Lincoln Logs on the living room floor of my grandmother's house (The Cottage, we used to call it based on its lovely lakeside location and despite its permanency as their "real" house). I don't remember loving Lincoln Logs, but I remember being wholly satisfied with an hour or two of timber entertainment.

I have absolutely no recollection of why this came up at work the other day, but a coworker said that she used to create buildings with an aging set of toys at her grandparents' house, too. They, too, came in a tin. They, too, had a distinct antique smell. They, too, provided a specific set of building blocks and house parts. Only these toys weren't logs, they were bricks.

This, I love. Americans? We build using wood. But the British? Well, that just wouldn't make sense, so bricks it is- our cultural construction differences translated into our childhood toys.

(By the way, I found this link while looking for a Lincoln Logs photo. Wow. Talk about a life goal.)

1 comment:

Beth said...

I love it! I still need to get a set for Will!