Sunday, August 03, 2008

Dunkin Donuts, er, Coffee.

While we're sorting out photos of Barcelona... here's two to contemplate in the meantime.

Yes, we were suckered into an American chain, but, hey, we live in England... it's foreign now, right?
Let's give you some perspective, though, on their "coffee" sizes:


Anonymous said...

Megan, that is funny but surely you have cheated... is that really a proper coffee or did you order an espresso??

megfeen said...

Ah, you've found us out. It was an espresso, but not entirely. I'll explain...

They only had 3 options: espresso, half milk/half espresso, and mostly milk/some espresso! So that was Josh's half and half one. I ordered an iced coffee, which was basically just espresso with a lot of ice... pretty potent.

Still, we thought it was odd that Dunkin Coffee wouldn't have just regular, plain, old COFFEE!

joshwall said...

Additionally it's kind of funny (at least for me) given the association I have with Dunkin' Donuts and coffee, which is really to say I see their coffee as a vehicle to eat more donuts. So the idea that Dunkin' Donuts has espresso in the first place is rather entertaining...

And the whole time I was looking forward to a good ol' cup of American Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Oh well... the espresso was quite good as well!