Sunday, July 27, 2008

When the sun comes out...

This is a beautiful place. These photos are of the Sage in Newcastle (technically Gateshead), where we went to see Punch Brothers last week (thanks for the heads up, Stace!). The Sage has a few different halls, so we were in a tiny cylindrical one that went up three stories. Each level was about 2 rows deep plus standing room behind (cheaper tickets), making it feel almost like a modern remake of a Shakespearean theatre. Very cool. The pokey thing in the photos is this bamboo bridge they're building over the river. We can't walk over it, so I'm not sure the point. At least the waterfalls in NYC might splash you or something.At one point during the evening, the band suddenly decided to change their set, so Chris Thile (also of the well-missed Nickel Creek) came up and said they were pulling 'an audible at the line.' Then he stopped, realized he was in England and that no one would know what that meant, mumbled something about American football, and then, flustered, introduced the next song. It was one of the funniest moments of the night. It happens to the best of us, Chris!

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