Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our posh little city

Our version of the Great Britain Lonely Planet says, 'Durham is small, posh and exquisite. Its joys are apparent as soon as you get off the train... The university may not have the wizened prestige of Oxbridge - it was only founded in 1932 - but its terrific academic reputation and competitive rowing team make the disappointment of not getting into Oxford or Cambridge that bit easier to bear.'

What it fails to mention is that while no mining took place in the city itself (it was too hilly), Durham was the center of NE England's once-vast coal mining industry, and that although the mines have been closed for over a decade now, there's still one day of the year when Durham becomes a bit more gritty and a little less, well, posh.

Read about the Miner's Gala and one pret-ty amazing balloon arch...
Back in the 1800's, the big bosses met in Durham to set miners' wages and talk business, while the pitmen showed up with their newly-formed unions to parade outside. As families and others began to attend, this 'Big Meeting' turned into an even bigger event. The day is basically filled with speeches, a service at the cathedral, rides and games (at least these days. Josh called it a county fair. Only socialist.), and unions carrying their banners into and around Durham, each accompanied by its own (or hired) band.

We happened to have our friends, Emma and Gerard, up from London for the weekend (with whom we took not a single photo !!). We were planning on a nice stroll around Durham, but we didn't realize the crowds we would encounter. I don't know what it was this year, but in 2006, 50,000 people attended the Gala! The city was packed, but not with the typical student/tourist crowd we associate with our medieval city. This was a proud, loud, beer-guzzling, overweight, tattooed street party for young children to old men. We had a great time wandering the crowds, watching the bands, and marveling at the beer consumption. I almost started to feel proud of the mines myself, until I remembered I have absolutely no stake in them whatsoever!

The Gala also happens to be just about the biggest Socialist gathering this side of (what was) the iron curtain.

And it happens in our posh little city. Cool.

Also, because I don't know if it warrants its own post, Josh, his coworker Hannah, and I made a balloon arch on Saturday for the youth group's end of the year party (Josh and Hannah called it 'Prom'.) I just thought you should see how talented we are.


Graham said...

We had dinner with Gerard and Emma last night . . . but without copious amounts of beer and tattooed men.

megfeen said...

What fun! I'm glad you could get together... And you'll see them again in November, yes? Such international friendships! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes. And we would love to see you too! We'll have to talk in the months to come.

Anonymous said...

Hello! It's me! Yes, we had a lovely time both with Megan and Josh and with Graham, Rebecca and Elisabeth. AND we saw the Magills too. It has been great to see so many of our New York friends recently.

Megan, I am not at all surprised at your talents with the balloon arch after seeing your balloon Eiffel Tower in your apartment!