Saturday, October 06, 2007

A Tardy Sign Post

The first one of these funny sign posts was posted months ago, while we were still in Thailand. This one is a bit late, but we do what we can. We did make it to the UK this week, but things are a bit unsettled as we might be moving flats this weekend. Thus, we've been holding off on writing about it all yet. Soon. We promise. (Besides, it's difficult to know when the Asia trip conclusions wrap up and the UK introductions start up... Too much moving around all at once!)

See the rest...
These tend to be less about funny translations and more just funny signs... enjoy!

Singapore- they take their rules seriously
Singapore zoo- We were curious how that big elephant was going to fit down into the bottom of the hourglass. And think of the fights when they all make it to the bottom.
Singapore- Is the 20% off supposed to make the durian buffet dinner more appealing? Durian is just not something I'd base a meal around.
National Palace, Thailand
National Palace, Thailand

Bangkok Airport, Thailand- Perhaps not quite as funny, but the kings photo was everywhere!
rest stop in Myanmar during an overnight busride
Bagan, Myanmar- Clever advertising.
Myanmar- snow towels were wet clothes chilled in a freezer that you could buy to cool yourself off. Just thought it was a funny name!
Temple in Mandalay, Myanmar
Mingun, Myanmar- Because we always think of energy when we think of buffalos
Yangon, Myanmar: Mmmm. Real Pitza. (we failed to get photos of the golden arch of "McBurger" and the "Tokyo Fried Chicken" sign)
Dhaka, Bangladesh: the first hotel room we had that showed us the way to Mecca
Border crossing into Nepal from India
Kathmandu, Nepal- no one we'd met had ever heard of Michigan...Delhi, India- train station women only line
Chandigarh, India
Chandigarh, India
Chandigarh, India
Ajanta Caves, India- because we saw so many men and women who looked like this in IndiaBangalore, India- ???Bangalore, India- the state capitol building... now zoom in on the center......and this is what's over the door! Jaisalmer, India- Child beer was for sale all over the place. Say if phonetically and it makes more sense!Chennai, India- who cares what exactly is in the sandwich... just as long as it's non-veg!Ferry in Andaman Islands, India- this sign was posted on the official notice board for the ferry company.Tokyo airport, Japan- I'd heard about these things to help pee-shy Japanese women along, but here it was in person... you could even change the volume of the flushing sound that would hide the sound of your own, well, you know...


Anonymous said...

Josh, those really made me laugh! So funny. I was a bit worried at first that they were going to be signs from England - I'm sure you probably could find some funny ones here too actually!

We're both thinking of you, hope you are settling in OK.

Stacey said...

Great post. I really enjoyed it!

Actually, when I saw the first sign, I thought it was from England because those signs are all over there too. Perhaps by now you have pictures of English Elderly People signs!

joshwall said...

Oh it'll come Emma... I'm sure we can find some good one's on this side of world as well... :)