Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Milk Bottles

Meg stumbled over some empty ones on the stoop while fumbling for her keys in the dark last night. Some people still do this?


busy mom of 4 said...

I wish they still did here in Zeeland. Seems I am always running out of milk and hate to go to the store just for one thing! I would love having it on my front stoop every few days!!!! But, I didn't know they delivered milk anywhere anymore!

Anonymous said...

That's what we thought- who knew? I thought that was done away with years ago... At your house, though, they'd have to leave a whole CRATE of bottles!

Anonymous said...

We have a milkman too! It's great...

joshwall said...

Seriously? I thought it was because northern England feels... well more "typically english" than I thought, I can't believe they exist in London as well!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness... I had no idea it was so common. Wait- does it exist ANYWHERE in the US anymore? I thought it was just a quaint, but obsolete, small town practice!