Saturday, June 16, 2007


An update... we took an amazingly quiet and comfortable night train from Thailand down to Butterworth, Malaysia yesterday. We are spending a day or so in Georgetown (Penang) on the West coast before heading across to the Perhentian Islands off the East coast of Malaysia because we decided 6 days in a row of diving last week wasn't enough! Koh Tao was beautiful and relaxing, and we are trying to get ourselves back into moving-all-the-time gear. All of that to say, we don't know if we can afford internet out there again, so it might be a few days...


Brad said...

Sounds like someone was bitten by the diving bug! It's a wicked addiction - I tried to warn you. If I go 6 months without a dive trip, I feel like I am wasting my life. We decided that after we finish here in India (hopefully by February), we are planning to go someplace and dive for 4-5 months. I am planning to get my Scuba Instructor's license and Elizabeth wants her rescue diver & divemaster licenses. We can't wait to see you guys and hear more about it all!

joshwall said...

Well, I don't know if we have been bitten by the diving bug nearly to the extent as you two (and just to play the pragmatist, what in the world will you do with your instructors license?) but it was a good time. Though our decision to go to the islands was partially because we got to Georgetown and simply weren't ready to deal with being in cities again... and more diving :) More info to come, we finally have an internet connection but it is shoddy at best...