Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Marmite, you either love it or hate it...

I was taking a quick break and watching the telly (how British am I?!?!) and there was an advert on(there I go again!). It was Paddington and the announcer said, 'Here we have Paddington Bear, your old childhood friend, eating a cheese and marmite sandwich.' A pigeon comes and lands next to Paddington. 'Hello,' Paddington says, 'would you like some?' Here Paddington breaks off a piece of the sandwich and throws it to the pigeon. The pigeon immediately eats it and then begins gagging... wherein the image freezes and the announcer resumes, 'Marmite, you either love it or hate it' as 'Marmite, you either love it or hate it appears on the screen.

What a weird country where such a commercial works....


Anonymous said...

Actually that particular advert is quite contraversial as it is well known that Paddington eats only MARMALADE sandwiches.

Did you have Paddington in the States? I think he is very British.

joshwall said...

I read about some of the debate about whether or not this use of Paddington was approved by the British public... interesting.

We did have Paddington in the states! Though to be honest I always found him a little weird. But I think that's because there were just things that didn't (quite) make sense, for example I didn't know what marmalade was as a child. But I remember liking it but not feeling as though I always understood for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the "Buckleys" cough syrup commercials. "It takes awful...but it works" The stuff was absolutely horrid!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the "Buckleys" cough syrup commercials. "It takes awful...but it works" The stuff was absolutely horrid!