Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Our travelling companions 1

We are just about done with post-trip posts, but we thought we'd throw in just a few more with some photos since we limited ourselves to the postcards (mostly) before. We did our favorite photos from Asia, so we'll post those, too, but first, here are some photos of our constant companions. You know about this guy (the blue thing is an earplug that kept the mirror in place), but here are a few more:

Our camping equipment...
It all fit, barely, into the trunk and the back seat of our little car. By the end of the trip, we had the packing down to an artform.

The hatch also doubled as a cooking surface. Perhaps not entirely safe, but handy!

Other things thought our camping stuff was pretty interesting, too...

The tent...
A cheap tent from Tesco, it actually lasted (BARELY) the entire trip. The top looked like this after a few months, though, as two poles began cracking. Thank goodness for duct tape!

Unfortunately, we didn't always have sunny days, so the tent sometimes doubled as a blue mountain.

This campground was really, really wierd. Everyone had built permanent wood structures that left very few open spots. Our poor tent looked ridiculous.

And finally, I couldn't bear to part with it in March, so something else made the trip and ended in a bin in Slovenia instead of England. May it have ended its days in peace.

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