Monday, June 01, 2009


Jennie said...

That is probably the funniest smore I've ever seen. Biscuits? and what kind of chocolate is that?
The marshmallows are definitely interesting. Althought I suppose they would be better for finely calibrating the amount of marshmallow one would want on a smore. Each American marshmallow is kind of a big commitment. At times one is too little, but two too many.

megfeen said...

The size of the marshmellow was actually great, now that you mention it.

The problem was that they had a sugar coating on them that caramelized and Josh and I both burned ourselves the first try! We had to rub as much of it off as possible to get them to roast golden brown...

Jennie said...

So perhaps the real question is: what do the Slovenian's do with marshmallows? It sounds like roasting is largely discouraged by the presence of the sugar coating so... hot chocolate? a dessert topping?