Thursday, January 29, 2009

A letter from Newcastle

Dear Reader,

With the last and next few weekends busy, I thought I'd do a bit of shopping this evening after work and before heading back to Durham. I didn't leave the office until a bit before 7, as it is, unfortunately, just one of those weeks. Knowing of, but never partaking in, Thursday's late night shopping, I thought I'd still have at least a few hours in the shops. Yet when I arrived on the High Street, tills were already being counted and clerks were starting to look impatient. I soon realized that a late night ends at 8pm if you don't mind half closed security gates and dirty looks... and 7:40 if you do.

Read the rest...
Feeling rushed and disappointed, I found myself in Fenwicks, a rather large and rather nice department store, just as the warning announcements began. Ten minutes. Without enough time to do any serious perusing, I started to look for the closest exit before remembering that I hadn't eaten and maybe I should. I followed the signs down to the Food Hall. Five minutes. The expression on the face of the matronly woman at the till looked as empty and shuttered as the meat and cheese counters, so I headed back towards the exit. And this is when something familiar caught my eye. I knew they sold £6 Lucky Charms and the largest Hershey's bar I'd ever seen at Fenwicks, but this was the real thing: a display of American-ness.

There were:
-Not only red boxes of Lucky Charms, but also brown boxes of Chocolate Lucky Charms (?!)
-Jars of Marshmallow Fluff, including raspberry flavor (again: ?!)
-Skippy Peanut Butter
-Jars with Smuckers peanut butter and grape jelly swirled together
-Hershey's Chocolate Syrup
-Hershey's Baking Cocoa
-Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix
-Both regular and light Aunt Jemima Maple Syrup (for 6.49 a piece!)

I lingered. As the woman's voice came over the speakers informing me that my time was up, those neatly stacked shelves made me feel a little intoxicated. And, to be honest, a little sad. You know you've worn yourself a bit too thin, dear Reader, when Fluffernutter makes you teary.

I found myself walking to the one unlocked door with mixed emotions, when a Purpose popped into my head. My train wouldn't leave for another 38 minutes, so I might as well do a bit of American investigating. Another shared batch of monster cookies (which are by far the world's best cookie and you should make some or at the very least ask me to make some for you next we meet) last week had prompted multiple discussions about biscuits. We'd explained the difference between muffins and cakes at church, debated the fine points of cookies and scones at work, chuckled over the British conception of biscuits and gravy on our way to Liverpool... Cookies, as opposed to biscuits, tend to be softer, chewier, and chunk-containing. A package of Tollhouse Chocolate Chips could very well have produced a blubbering sob had they been sitting there next to that raspberry marshmallow fluff. And while I'm at it, surely graham crackers and true marshmallows are a worthier stock option than a perfectly good jar of peanut butter pre-ruined by jam? Regardless, wed' always come up short describing an American biscuit, but last Friday, we remembered Kentucky Fried Chicken. Of course! The explanations would be unnecessary if we could produce the real thing. If they had it...

And that, Reader, is what went through my head as I set off to find out. If, of course, the KFC was open past 8pm. I entered the store figuring I'd pretend not to have cash (which was true). It's been some time since I've been in a Kentucky Fried Chicken, and it took me a moment to figure out what was where. The buckets were still there, but there were a number of meal options, all with french fries. Is this the case in the USA? I do not know. But there were the sides. No biscuits. No mashed potatoes, for that matter, although gravy was there, so maybe I missed them.

Now, what's the appeal in a KFC without biscuits? The chicken, you may say. Yes, perhaps, but while there was always enough chicken in a bucket for my family, it was the biscuits that came up short. Scarcity breeds desire. I'd take one of those little pats of butter they don't make any more with the handy peal away paper, and my sister would find the little plastic honey packet... Alas, Wikipedia pictures of biscuits will have to do as Exhibit A is not coming from KFC.

A woman turned to me and said it was too late (!!) for sit in, but I could do take away. I mumbled an excuse and went outside, frankly a little awed by the McDonald's advertising 'Open 24 hours' across the street. Next up: McDonald's breakfast biscuits. Gag. But I'll check it out since it's for a good cause and all. But not tonight.

I walked down the nearly empty sidewalk (except for the growing number of Thursday drunks) towards the train station, slightly cold as I'd chosen not to wear socks this morning. And then I was on the train, and we were leaving, and the announcer was a Scottish man, and I was happy again. Albeit hungry.

It was just a night, but I thought I might share it. I hope you have one just as interesting, although perhaps a bit more productive.

Your typically not-so-serious friend,


Anonymous said...

At the end of a very unproductive Friday it was edifying to read of your High Street adventures, or misadventures, as the case may be. Sometimes the best laid plans come to naught, at no fault of our own, and we are left craving Monster cookies and warm socks for the ride home. I do have Monster cookies in my office, so while I eat one and ponder your post several things occur to me…. 1) I just got my monster cookie out of a 9x13Tupperware container. Do they do Tupperware in England? Do they have 9x13 pans? 2) If one insists on both peanut butter and jelly, why grape jelly? Does Smuckers also make a peanut butter and strawberry jelly swirl and that has not jumped the ocean or is it grape jelly or nothing? And whatever happened to Jiff? 3) Do Lucky Charms in a red box have different marshmallows than those in a brown box? 4) Is KFC really KFC without biscuits? Whatever you call them, those are some of the best biscuits in the world (scarcity notwithstanding) and I’m not sure a self-respecting KFC can exist without them. This question takes serious consideration, Meg, I hope you are able to settle the question about the existence of American KFC biscuits in the U.K. Principally, what do they call them? 5) Whatever happened to those butter pats? They were so easy to put on your biscuit. Just pull off the top paper and tip upside down. The current little tubs require a knife (plastic, of course) to get the butter out—not very eco friendly—or without the knife a very complicated maneuver involving pushing the butter out by turning the tub inside out. I’ve seen the little ketchup packet style melted butter-esque things too. Those just scare me. They can’t possibly contain butter.
Alas, my cookies is gone. As is the day. I must ponder the mystery of why one would import raspberry marshmallow fluff, something I’ve never even heard of, and not marshmallows themselves, something I have in my cupboard at home, on my own.

Anonymous said...

It is indeed amazing that a KFC did not have biscuits. Perhaps it is because in the UK biscuits are cookies and whoever heard of chicken with cookies on the side? I do recall a time when we were skiing in Canada and we all craved KFC so sent a couple of moms to get some for dinner. It was New Year's eve just before 7 PM and the store had no cooked chicken left to sell. I think they were closing. At 7? on New year's eve? They did fry up some chicken for us since we wanted quite a bunch, and they did have biscuits (and this was not the USA) but they did not have mashed potatoes. Gravy and french fries, but no mashed potatoes. For some in the group that was worse than no biscuits. Whoever heard of no mashed potatoes (or no biscuits) at KFC? It just isn't right! It would be like going to McDonalds and not having fries. It just isn't right!
Good luck finding biscuits. I suspect that McD's won't have them either. Some things just don't translate well I guess.
And sorry about the "late night" shopping. What time do they normally close if 8 PM is late?
Hope your weekend is fun!
Mom F

A blog about... said...

In Switzerland I remember shops (other than restaurants) closing at 6pm, and an unwritten rule of that country is that everyone is expected to be in bed sleeping by 10pm.
In Paris, however, there was no bedtime and people would be outside drunk and loud throughout the entire night. What a difference. I guess every place has their unwritten bedtime rules.

E(Liz)a(Beth) said...

The KFC in B'lore had no biscuits, no gravy, no mac 'n cheese, no mashed potatoes. But they did have a host of vegoptions. And french fries. It was sad, the first time I went, that I couldn't get a biscuit.

And the first time I found GOOD cheese was a day filled with bliss unlike any other I've experienced. Who knew that cheese is so important in life?