Saturday, October 25, 2008


Having flown with a group of Britons over the weekend, I heard five separate times how Americans clap when a plane lands. I've flown frequently lately, and I have had this happen twice that I remember. Once in India and once when there was some extreme turbulence or something and then a perfectly smooth landing. I am fairly certain this second time was in the USA.

So. Do we?

(I say no.)


Anonymous said...

No. I fly a decent amount in the U.S. and I can remember only a handful of times where we clapped. I'd say it's rare and tends to happen only when there has been some kind of event to make it worthwhile.

Beth said...

I've flown quite a bit and never had this happen...I think I would freak out a bit. :)

Anonymous said...

The only times I have been on a flight where people clapped, they were international flights. But I have only ever flown on international flights to or from the U.S. So my answer is, I don't know. And even if Americans start it, people from other nations probably join in.

busy mom of 4 said...

I don't think we American's do. I don't fly a ton, but don't remember it ever happening. Then again I am usually sick by the time we land and just want OFF ASAP!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well folks, I HAVE been on planes where people clapped as we landed. As I recall it was not recently and it was when an international flight landed back in the USA. I guess we were all just glad to be home and figured the flight crew deserved a round of applause for getting us here. (Dad says the same thing.)
Mom F

Lindsey said...

Maybe if we take an expansive interpretation of the term "American." Clapping as the plane lands is a classic Latin American thing to do. The only flights I have been on with clapping involved were flights to or from Latin America and I'm quite certain it was not the gringos starting the clapping.

megfeen said...

You have no idea how pleased I am that you've all commented- THANK YOU and keep 'em coming! The more the merrier!

Partly I'm pleased because it means I can give polling data that agrees with my hypothesis to the next co-worker who mentions it... or even if they don't mention it, I'll still bring it up. :)

E(Liz)a(Beth) said...

I've only had that happen a few times and it's always been on an international flight that's landing back in the US that has soldiers returning from war. So I never know if we're applauding the landing or the soldiers (or the war??).

A blog about... said...

Icelanders always clap when they land in Iceland because they love home so much.

megfeen said...

How do you know this, Eric? We have a Dubious Fact of the Day at my office, usually proven true or untrue by the faultless Wikipedia. Is this a dubious fact I could share that would not get me laughed at like my one co-worker's story about Sir Loin steak?

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure I've witnessed this, but not recently. When we flew in April I don't remember it happening. Like Beth (Busy mom of 4) said, she's usually a little tense when we land, so I'm concentrating on making sure she doesn't squeeze the life out of my arm.

the blackwells said...

Can't say I ever remember hearing clapping. I know I haven't done it...breathe deeply perhaps, but not clap. :)

A blog about... said...

What the heck? 12 posts on the subject, and mine is the one that gets holes poked in it?

p.s. If I were you, I probably would not claim this as a fact to your co-workers, as I'm not entirely sure if it's true.

megfeen said...

No, not the only one with holes poked in it... the only one I found worthy of further investigation, so consider it an honor. I'm two down on the dubious facts, so I'm looking. Did you know there are more tigers in the USA than in any other country? I didn't either.

Jason and Melissa said...

We have clapped when landing- maybe 1/2 the times I've flown, and I think it usually is for an international flight (aka extrememly long) or when there was turbulence/storm to get through etc.