Monday, May 21, 2007

Pee on this!!!

Here is a post about toliets, nothing fancy just two pictures really.

Lets play a new game, its called find the toliet in this picture. Taken near the Cambodia/Vietnam border.

This sign is in case you aren't sure what to do with this thing in the middle of the stall, where there is normally just a hole. Taken at Angkor Wat.


E(Liz)a(Beth) said...

Wow, that bathroom looks clean! I'm assuming the "toilet" is the small hole in the floor. I had to go to the bathroom while we were in a temple in Madurai, but since we had no shoes I had to use it barefoot. And it was a squatty toilet. Least fun I've ever had peeing.

Anonymous said...

ew... no shoes. I understand that trauma. When we were on the train from Hue to Hanoi, the rest of the people had been on it for 20 hours already. So by the time we got to Hanoi, there was a nice yellow-y color to the "water" sitting in the corner of the metal floor/squat toilet (it was all made of one big cast peice). I like to think that flip flops somehow make it more sterile.

Graham said...

I love the second picture!

Anonymous said...

We're already working on a "signs" post for sometime in the future- funny how strange translations of language and culture display themselves in signage!