Friday, May 11, 2007

Quick thoughts on Saigon

This is quite brief, more to come later.

We arrived in Saigon on Wednesday and I was offered weed six times... in about as many hours. So far Vietnam is an interesting place.


Anonymous said...

So Josh, do you look American? young? scruffy? rich? what? Why are you so privileged - or is everyone asked that frequently to indulge? Is it cheap? Not that I would have any clue what the price is here. Hope you are having fun without the weed!

joshwall said...

Well, I think it seems to be a general blanket statement to most young men who stay in guest houses, or around guest houses. So far we are normally guessed to be English, we've actually had two local folks come up and talk to us with an english accent (or as much as a Cambodian and a Vietnamese can do a nice cockney).

And I'm not sure how much it costs but everything I read says its cheap, I thought I read somewhere it was the cost of a couple beers(2-3).

A blog about... said...

Remember that what happens in Saigon stays in Saigon.

Happy Traveling.