Thursday, May 21, 2009


Jennie said...

Chickens at your camp site?! Did they provide you with any breakfast?
My next thought in looking at that picture of Josh with the deflated tent was "How does he squat with his feet flat on the ground?" Josh, I'm still impressed with your ability to do that.

megfeen said...

No breakfast, just a wake up call. And what a wake up call it was. Never, ever buy a rooster.

(Also, just as I read that comment, Josh was sitting back like that again. He's weird, I mean, talented like that.)

joshwall said...

I'll have you both know in some parts of the world that is a perfectly normal way to sit/stand. I rather enjoy it and find it quite comfortable, not to mention a convenient option when the ground has some chicken poo on it. :)

megfeen said...

Jen! I forgot that when we were setting up the tent, the poles would wiggle in the grass and the chickens would peck at them like they were food! Hilarious. And surprisingly entertaining........ :)